August 18, 2010

How To Get Free O' Boticário items!!

Okay, so I know many of you have been confused as to how to get the free Lipgloss and Tee by O'Boticário brand as it's open to Portugal and Brazil only? Well you have to use a manual proxy, there is no other way to get these items. It's quite tricky but once you've done it I'm sure you'll see it was worth it. It took me ages but here we go!

So first off Log out of Stardoll, then you need to change you LAN/ Proxy settings to with port 8080 (This one worked for me better) but you can also use this one with port 8080.

Once you've done that go to Stardoll and paste this into your address bar:

you'll then be taken to this page...

Click on the yellow bit, wait a little while, while the page loads then your done! You can now turn the proxy off and return the LAN settings back to normal!

You'll then find two little green bags, one in your suite and one waiting for you at your beauty parlor, with a free purple tee and a free pink lipgloss!

Enjoy your free gifts! You earned them! x


  1. Doesnt work anymore

  2. If it does then coudl you do it for me? alot of people said it doesnt anyore
